Sunday, 9 August 2009

A Space Of My Own

Apologies for the second picture-intensive post of the day, but it's been a picture-intensive kind of day.

I've been coveting a craft room for quite some time now, fed up with crafting on the dining room table or the little fold-up tv table in the conservatory. It's a pain getting all the stuff out, then putting it all away again etc. However, to have a custom made craft room, our house would either have to start spurting new rooms, or one of the kids would have to move out! Neither looks like happening for a good decade at least, so we've gone with the next best thing.

This morning, my conservatory looked like this:
With papers stored like this (not so easy to drag out):

But yesterday, lovely Mr Argos man brought this, which lovely Mr Hubby man assembled this morning:

A trip to Ikea and a few hours of stash sorting and voila, my very own craft space:
With luscious stash to look at on my desk while I'm scrapping:

And nice easily accessable paper (under the table to prevent sun-fade)

Little project baskets for all those CJs, albums etc I'm in the process of doing for people:

And gorgeous little red riding hood picnic baskets for sewing scraps (thanks Lauren!):

Aaaahhh, my own little sanctuary! I already have a cyber-scrapping date with the lovely Marie tonight, herself the owner of a conservatory scrapping room. There are projects ready to go on the desk (but hidden as Xmas surprises - yes, I did just say the 'X' word!). All I need now is sound proofing so I can't actually hear the kids screaming while I'm in my little paradise!


Juicy3675 said...

I'm officially jealous. lol

. said...

Hurrah!!!! I know how long you've been hankering after a crafty space of your own missus and I'm glad you've finally got it (and damn lovely it is too).

I've just been to the craft shop on the way home for a vital cardstock run for tonight's cybercropping. Should be on around 7.45/8ish (sproglettos permitting!).

I hope your little crafty haven sees many hours of happy scrapping.


kim said...

I'm so happy for you! SOmeone who spends as much time as you do scrapping surely deserves a spot to do it in. And how nice that you can look at the window while you craft.

Tara said...

Ooooh! Me Likey!

pinky said...

Looks so inviting with lovely daylight and a excellent view.