Thursday, 13 August 2009

2-Whit 2-Woo!

After a busy day yesterday, I finally got some time at my craft desk last night to make yesterday's mini book project. Marie was online making a monkee scrapbook LO so we had a nature related cyber crop!

So, here he is:
I did it for Xander and, as he's nearly 3, I did it all about what he loves while he's still 2 (2-Whit 2-Woo! Groan!):

I've had these owl papers for a while so perfect opportunity to use them. There was also some owl acetate so my first ever go at doing a clear page in a book:

I was going to save it for Xander's birthday but I thought he'd have plenty of presents then so gave him it this morning. He was very impressed and looked through it going 'It's me!':

No mini-booking today, it's a sewing day today, but I'll be back on them tomorrow!

1 comment:

. said...

Just too cute for words!! Love it!

Glad Mr Billy Jim likes it too.
