Xander's normally quite happy with the carpark, train track and dinosaurs; but last week I did relent slightly and let him wander over to the messy end of the room. It wasn't so bad, just paint (and sponges and sticky hands, aaarrrggghhh!!!), she does only have pink aprons so he did look a little disturbing but hey-ho, if he's going to have a pink phase it may aswell be now rather than when he's a teenager!
Anyway, it turns out my son is a little arty genius! He sat happily painting away, mixing up his own colours and using all different mediums (sponges, paintbrushes, his fingers, the girl next to him's pigtails etc etc) and do you know what, I think it's very good for a 2 1/2 year old!
I was even more impressed as Rob and I had just watched a film where this painting went for $10 million at auction:Anyone else seeing a similarity?On other crafty news, I can finally share the invites I've been working on as they've all been sent out now. First of all, the ones for my cousin Laura's wedding:
I also need to do menus, placecards and a seating plan to match.
Then there's Gemma & Dave's:
They may look simple but...THEY WEREN'T! 300 pieces of ribbon, cut, melted and glued then assembled; seeing those things in my sleep now!
However, I did celebrate finishing them by going out and buying myslef the most unsensible sparkly shoes for G&D's wedding:
Ack, who cares if I can't walk, they're blooming gorgeous!!
Beautiful invitations, and OMG gorgeous shoes!
You're right, you won't be able to walk in them, but hey who cares - won't you be too sloshed for walking anyway?
Pretty pretty shoes!
I've heard so much about those invites I feel like I know them personally :P Glad you've finally got them finished hun.
Lovin' the shoes too - very sparkly :)
I just love those shoes. Also wedding invites are gorgeous. Wanna share the secret with me?
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