Friday, 6 March 2009

Some Of My Other Favourite Girls!

Of course, my favourite girl ever is my darling daughter, that goes without saying! But, I've had a bit of time for some of my other favourite mini girls over the last couple of days.

I had an hour to spare yesterday so decided to do a spot of speed scrapping. I chose to do one of Ally and Steve's little girl Elise as I absolutely love this picture that Ally gave me the other week. I'd see a LO by Anna Bowkis in a magazine so used that as the basis, plus all these lovely red papers and embellishments that I've had lurking in my stash and just been dying to use. I think this picture of Elise was just perfect for it! She'll be chuffed as, being one of my best mini mates, she's a regular reader of the blog: Hi Elise!

This afternoon I've had another of my favourite girls over, Evie. Me and her mum had lots and lots of wedding stuff to organise (only about 12 weeks away now, eek!) but we did get time to take Evie and Xander to the park as it was such a beautiful day outside. So glad I took my camera as they insisted on holding hands all the way there:

They had so much fun; Xander loved the seesaw:

And insisted his favourite cousin join him:

Evie was very impressed with the tractor and insisted on driving us all to the seaside on it:

But of course, the biggest hit had to be the swings! Laura, you'll have biceps of steel after pushing those two:

This weeekend is more of a boy weeekend as Emily has a playdate with Scott (who's getting too old for cuddles with Auntie Lou - but she steals them anyway!) and Xander has a birthday party on Sunday. Yes, we're starting with the never ending round of birthday parties; thank god the other one's getting past that age now. Kids' parties everyother day, ***SHUDDER**!

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