The thing with Xan at the moment is, he's at that age where he likes NOTHING! Everything is a complete trauma for him, he can't decide between hot and cold milk without a full on hissy fit on the kitchen floor! So maybe thinking our little boy would love the airport was a tad naiive!
We took him to the end of the runway with all the other plane spotters and pointed to all the planes on the ground and talked about how we were going to see how they got into the sky, he seemed vaguely interested:
So thinks we, why don't we go to the terminal and show him round and he can watch the planes taking off from somewhere with double glazing? Nope, not impressed! He did however seem to like this plane ride and sat for a few moments going 'Oh mummy, pleeeeeaaaasssseeee!'
We did salvage some of the trip though and went to the famous Murgatroyd's fish and chip shop where Xander proved that he's just like his mother, chips will always shut him up!
A high dose of Calpol and some whisky in his milk?
I ain't sharing my whisy with no-one!
A splif perhaps?
Hmmmmmm not very helpful am I!
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