Thursday, 21 May 2009

I'm A Lucky Girl...Well Up To A Point!

So, today I officially got nearer 40 than 30 (at 5.01pm to be exact). Bit of a mixed blessing, OK I'm older but in a way I'm glad I actually reached another birthday.

The day started off lovely, I got a nice cuppa and present and cards in bed. I got some fab stuff: a beautiful necklace from my son, perfume from my daughter, Sex & The City dvd from Rob, holiday clothes from my sis, Beauty Flash Balm from my SIL (she's the whole reason I don't look nearer 50 than 40!!), some lovely make-up and jewellry from my friend Jane, holiday essentials from my Auntie Nadine and pennies from my gorgeous Grandad and Grandad-in-Law!

After the school run, me and Xander headed down to meet Lauren and Abi for breakfast at Costa Coffee. Now, I took my camera to document my birthday for future scrapping; this is where the 'to a point' bit comes in: my son wiped my whole camera this afternoon! So, you'll just have to imagine this morning. Lauren bought me a lemon and orange muffin and a huge maple syrup cappuccino for my breakfast, yum! She also gave me my pressie: when she asked me what I wanted, I gave her the choice of 3 mini books and told her to suprise me with which one - she blooming well got me all 3, bless her!

Afterwards I had a little shop but not too much as the toddler monster was with me. I came home and mum came round with her pressie (swimming cossie for jollies and bag for Gem's wedding, gorgeous!) then we went out for lunch (again, just imagine the pictures!)

Afterwards postie came with cards and a gift voucher from my friend Maureen (ooh, more shopping, hurray!) and a couple of neighbours popped round with pressie (toiletries and a fab beach bag from Next!).

Now, I'd planned to settle down with a nice dvd while Xan had his nap, but made the mistake of checking emails first. Aaarrrggghhhh! 2 back from places I'd applied saying they couldn't open my applications. So, an hour sat here trying to work it out meant no time for dvd before school run, grrrr!

Anyhoo, home, toddler paddy (hey, almost from me too!) and wiping of camera, but at last it was time to decant the wine:

And then Rob came home with a Dominos, double Aaaaahhhhh:
Which finally shut the kids up:

Anyhoo, the kids are now in bed, the wine's going down nicely and there's a dvd waiting to go. So thank you to everyone for the cards, pressies, Facebook messages and texts. Just remind me to hire a babysitter and go nowhere near a computer for my 36th!

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