Thursday 26 July 2007

Missing Crazy!

My little girl's gone on holiday and I'm missing her! She's driven me crazy all week and now she's gone I'm missing the temper tantrums and the whining (well. almost!) She's back on Saturday night and she rang tonight and is having a great time with Grandma and Grandad. I also had quite a peaceful day today with just Xander to deal with and got loads done, but doesn't stop me missing the crazy girl!

Been an OK week actually, to say it's the school holidays. Been to the park and Tropical World and Emily even did my exercise dvd with me (though she did give up after the warm up!). Today me and Xander went to the library as I needed a new book to read (Harry was finished by Monday night!). I also got a patchwork quilt book as I'm making my first ever one for Xander, and 2 books on French so I can try and keep up with my multilingual daughter!

I started sewing the quilt tonight and it's looking OK. Hoping to get some more done tomorrow and then take Xander swimming as I've not taken him for a while. He loves swimming, definately going to be a water baby like his big sister!

Toodles for now!

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