Friday 20 July 2007

Harry Potter & James Bond!

So it's 10.15pm on a Friday night and i'm blogging to kill time. Why? Well, I'm one of the sad muppets that will be putting her coat on at 11.45 and trotting off to Asda to buy Harry Potter the second it's released! I wasn't going to go but I'm so worried that I'll hear the ending on tv so I need to get it read asap!! So, tomorrow morning, Rob's getting up with Xander and going to pick Emily up so I can have a good few hours with Harry!!

Had a nice day today. Been over to Ali's as it's Jacob's 1st birthday next week so I had pressies to deliver. My old mukka Al treated me to lunch at the pub next door, then we went back to hers to test yesterday's muffins! Here's a couple of pics of Xan and Jacob, including one with Ali on cause she's a babe!

Quite a freaky thing she said. As I walked in she looked at Xander and said 'Blimey, it's Daniel Craig!'. The strange thing is, it's not the first time anyone's said that! Have I really produced the next 007?! What do you think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He does look like Daniel Craig!!!!

Ally, you look great!!!