Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Back To School...Yet Again!

Can it really be the 4th year we've had the first day of a new school year for Emily?! Not 2 minutes ago since this little girl was about to start reception:
(Hmmm, could only find pics of her trying on her first uniform, hence the label still on the cardi and the hair do!).

And yet yesterday, this young lady set off to year 3 (key stage 2 now don't you know?!):

Bless her, she loves it aswell and is feeling very grown up at finally being in the grown up part of the school (key stage 1 aren't allowed in their playground apparently, for key stage 2 only!)

let's hope the enthusiasm lasts!


jimmysrabbit said...

Lovely piccies...she looks like she is growing up into a lovely young lady.

. said...

I can't believe she's a junior!!!! How did that happen?? Scary how fast time is going. Won't be long and we'll be sending the boys off for their first day in reception. *sniff*