Sunday, 9 November 2008


Today is Rememberance Sunday so today's blog post is dedicated to remembering those who have served in not only the First and Second World Wars, but those that have served in the Falklands War and both Middle East conflicts too (and indeed, those that are still serving).
I've never understood the point of war, but I have so much respect for those who will go and risk their lives to protect people like me and you back home.
A special mention has to go to my Grandad Harry and my Grandad-In-Law Ron, who both served in World War 2; which makes me love and respect them even more (if that's possible!).
Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Good one mate respect to all the armed forces
ive just sent some kit to afgan
it brings it home when your on a camp sending kit to the lads out there
plus the boys have been marching round camp all week in there sunday best


Lou said...

Glad you're looking after them. Love u m8! x