Friday, 11 June 2010

Holidays - Credit Crunch Styleee!

So, this time last year we were busy packing to go here:
(***SNIFF*** Love that place!)

This year, er, not so much! Today's financial climate doesn't exactly bode well for yearly Carribbean holidays, but when you're given lemons, make lemonade! As regular readers to my blog will know, I am THE bargain queen; I love to sniff out a good deal. So when the holiday problem posed itself, I came up with a plan.

I always shop at Tesco, mainly for these. I see it as my way of gaining something back from a company who earn billions out of us every year and I even paid my tuition fees for my degree with them. Anyhoo, I sent off for some vouchers to Whipsnade Zoo so last week we headed down south. A quick stop to see Rob's Grandad on the way, then we booked in to a Travelodge on their £29 a night deals (FYI, go for Premier Inn's deal instead, much nicer). After staying there the night we headed to the local Tesco for some sandwiches and other pic-er-nic stuff (and to earn more points! ;) and then went to the zoo...FOR FREE!

Not sure this guy was impressed with us invading his space though:

After the zoo, we headed into London to stay for a few days with Rob's sister (thanks for having us Zo!). Zoe had to work the first day so we headed into 'the smoke' and did all the free sightseeing stuff it had to offer. We even got free sunshine!

For lunch, more Tesco vouchers, this time eating at Pizza Express, and blooming yummy it was too. The kids love PE as they get grown up 'Bambiccinos'!

More pics to come later, I need to do a slide show as there's so many.

So, when we got home I got to thinking about just what I'm going to do with those little angels of mine over the summer holidays; that's 6 very long weeks if you have nowhere to go! I looked at a caravan for a week - £750! :o I looked at our beloved Center Parcs - a 4 night break was £950! :o :o I'm sorry but there's absolutely no way I'm spending that much to stay in this country!

So, I did what I always said I'd never do, and went out and bought this:
That's right, we now own a tent; you know those bits of material with no bath, loo etc?!
Do you know what's even more disturbing? I've got a bit excited about it! Just this morning I was out buying tent peg mallets and camping toasters!
You can just picture the scene now can't you:

Watch this space....


. said...

LOL. Congratulations on joining me on the dark side!!!

On the plus side to the camping hideousness...... I foresee the possibility for a join East meets West camping exhibition at some point?? I'm sure we could find somewhere in the middle.


Lou said...

Ek - would LOVE a East meets West camping trip (nned someone to save my sanity!). However, slap bang in the middle of us is the M62, not sure how that one would work?! :P

kim said...

LOL! Have fun camping! I actually love it, although it was a lot easier when I got to be one of the dirty kids instead of the parent trying to keep everything together.

Kirsty said...

We have bought a tent too, need to find somewhere nice to go now and buy the necessities x