Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Modernisation Is Good!

There are certain times in life where clinging to old traditions flies out the window and we must embrace modernisation!
For example, here's Em in her Brownie uniform:
Looks quite trendy me thinks. Unlike 28 years ago when the Girl Guiding Association made little girls go out in public dressed like this:

I ask you! It was so old fashioned, that go back another 25 years and a certain little girl's mother wore almost the exact same uniform:

In fact, she had better head gear and trendier socks than the 1980s version!
So here's to modernisation and not making our children go through the humiliation we had to!

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Scrapping Update

Do you know, I've been a very naughty scrapbooker of late. The scrappy mojo got lost for a while but it's gradually creeping back in! So, here's a little update of the latest layouts for all my scrappy mates out there; plus my very newest scrappy mate, Miss Ally of Andbag, who is a recent convert!

First up, a scrapbook page about Em's visit to see Miley:

Then a couple done at the crop back at the beginning of Feb (note to self, blog more often woman!):

My layout for Marie's UKS challenge from back in November that I er, completed 2 weeks ago (hangs head in shame!):

And finally, this week's UKS challenge - to scrap a fave holiday, use the colours in that country's flag (red, blue, yellow, black and white - eek!), to use a new kind of journalling (don't think I've ever been stupid enough to stamp journalling letter by letter before!) and something else I can't remember!

The craft room is now finally tidy though so hopefully that will encourage a bit of a scrapbooking roll now!

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Monkee Love!

Remember Monkee?
Monkee's in love! He spotted this cutie across the knitting bag the other day:

He thinks she's lovely:

And loves her very much:

Now how do I break it to him that she's going to live at Poppy's house at the weekend?!

Friday, 19 March 2010

The Panda Pays It Forward!

It's all about the charity round here lately! Zhu Xiong has only been with us for 6 days and already she's paying it forward and doing her bit for another good cause!

Today the kids have a sponsored walk at school and they have to take a teddy to walk with them. Emily decided that the panda could do with a wander and Xander decided to terrorise the rest of his class with Steggy! OK, so they've not done it yet (3pm this aft) but thought it was a good excuse to share some cute pics of my little charity walkers!

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Is That Spring I Spy?

Hands up who thought that not only was winter never going to end, but that we'd actually entered a new Ice Age?! After the worst winter in donkeys, I think most of us had forgotten what sunshine actually looked like! However, it's been really rather pleasant weatherwise the past couple of weeks and it looks like Spring (my favourite season, yay!) may just be around the corner.

Cindy has taken to her 'reclining in the sun' spot on the windowsill:

We finally have a lone crocus in the graden. OK, so it looks a bit sad all on it's own but I can see others on the way:
For the past few days, both the washing and the kids have been chucked out in the garden (think Em may have got a bit too excited by the sun with the shorts though, not quite yet Em!):

And, joy of joys, it's actually light enough and above sub-zero for long enough to get in the craft room and do some scrapping:

After a bit of a scrapping drought, I ran off this springy-coloured layout in an hour:

Of course, it helps to have a lovely subject to scrap, my wonderful Grandad!
Here's hoping that, in true UK style, we haven't peaked already and are resigned to a Spring of grey clouds!

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Charity Update

First of all, we've had excellent news this week. Remember the little boy I sponsor in Haiti? Well we got a letter to say he's alive and safe! Yay! So relieved he's OK.

My little charity giving daughter adopted her panda. It's a giant female panda in China called Zhu Xiong (nope, I've no idea how to pronounce it either!). We got it through the WWF and I'd definately recommend it for introducing kids to charity as they get a picture and cuddly toy of their chosen animal, plus updates 3 times a year. Emily's panda is currently at the post office as I missed the postman by 30 seconds, but will post a pic of Zhu once we get it!

Finally, my sister has asked me to post on her behalf. She's doing something called the Ribbon Walk in June in aid of Breast Cancer Care. If you are able to sponsor her, then please go here. Good luck our kid!

Saturday, 6 March 2010

8 Days After 8!

OK, so I don't think I've ever gone 2 whole weeks without blogging before! Lots going on round here but normal blogging service has now been resumed and I am here to bore you stupid on a regular basis yet again!

I can't believe it's taken me 8 days to blog about Em's birthday - usually I'm on here on the day - but better late than never. Yes, my little baby girl turned 8 last week...yes, that's 8! On the day we went out for tea with both Emily's grndmothers and both her aunties: Xander was a little star and loved having Gwandma, Nanna, Auntie Gemma and Auntie Zoe there:

It was a really nice night, though Rob and I were both out of the restaurant when they all sang happy birthday to her, typical:

Emily got her fave cd of the moment, Alexandra Burke, so we've had a lot of dancing:
Last Saturday she went to the pictures with a few girls from school:

And then on to Maccy D's for lunch:

Then afterwards we had a couple of friends over:

On Sunday I took her out to spend her birthday money. The usual 5 hours queuing up in Build-A-Bear (though have to admit, I LOVE that shop!) and she bought a game for her DS. Then I think I had the proudest mummy moment ever: she said "Mummy, I've decided that I want to give some of my birthday money to charity!". OMG, how unbelievably proud of her were we? It's a cliche but kids have it too good these days, and it's so nice that she can see past the DS and Wii and realise just how fortunate she is. So, she's going to adopt a panda from WWF, she said she'd thought of horses but she can see them every week and check they're OK whereas she worries about animals she can't see. Bless her!