Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Counting Your Blessings - Part 2

Today we are thanking whoever it was that invented the good old scanner. Without which I would not have had hours of fun the other night looking through 20-year-old photos, then scanning them and uploading to Facebook!

I don't care whatever anyone says, I loved how I looked back as a teenager and I'm thankful I had the stubborness to pursue it no matter what anyone said! I showed Emily these pics and she said 'Wow Mum, you looked cool. Can I dress like that when I'm 16?'. That's all the approval I need!
So today's blessing counting is for the ability to stick to your guns and the technology to relive it 20 years on!


Uma said...

look at you, thin lady. Fab shiny trousers!

. said...

Blimey woman! Did you spray those pants on???

Glad you had fun reliving the glam days :) Is that Ally 'Andbang with you in the second one?


Lou said...

Spraying them on would have been much easier!

No, it's a girl called Helen that I used to hang round with, don't know what ever happened to her.