Wednesday, 24 June 2009

My Fave Holiday Pic

Well, apart from the wedding pics that is (which will be on here soon, I promise!).

This pic was taken on our second night in Antigua and I love it! The kids went to play on the beach (which the bar overlooked) and they just seemed so happy to be there!

A few other faves of the kids. This one was taken on our Hawaiian themed night and has the kids with the other bridesmaid Ellie:

Me and Em enjoying a pre-dinner cocktail (OK, hers was fruit punch, but she liked to pretend! Mine was NOT fruit punch!):

Xander loved the pool, especially when we found this inflatable taxi for him to play in:

And finally, on the way home, Xander's rather unconventional way of sleeping on a plane!

Right, I suppose I should actually come back down to earth now and do some work. Boo! Or I could just go and book another holiday...hmmmm....

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