Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Soft Soft Soft!

What with it being the year of the wedding around here, I've been busy gettinmg everyone suited and booted for the occassions. Anyway, the other day, the suit I'd ordered for Xander for Auntie Laura's wedding turned up:Now, who does he remind me of?!


Rach said...

LOL, awww he looks adorable! Such a smart little cutie!

Love that advert too!


Juicy3675 said...

omg how cute is he?

. said...

Awwwww!! The suit was cute when I saw it - but its infinitely cuter with a Billy Jim in it. He'll be taking over as CEO of the Gillard corporation before you know it ;)


Lou said...

As long as he takes over the Gillard Corp bills aswell, the job's all his! ;)