We decided that this weekend called for a family walk and a bit of fresh air. I'd noticed a few crocuses out at work so we decided to head for flowers. We could have gone to my work but I doubt that would have been too interesting so we headed for Kirkstall Abbey as they always have carpets and carpets of flowers:
Very pretty eh? Unfortunately the temperature doesn't match the view and it was blooming Arctic out there!I do like the fact that we live near such an old monument like this:
It's lovely to look around it and imagine what used to happen there. This time we didn't go in though, that cold air whistling through the ruins didn't quite appeal!
The kids had fun:
And Xander took us all exploring on a bug hunt with his exploring kit. "Come on everyone, follow my nose!":
Xander even made notes on what he'd found and drew pictures!
And collected, er, the stones the bugs lived on! Well I supposed it is more humane locking a stone in a tin than a living insect!
So, first 'spring' walk of the year. Hopefully they will start getting a tad warmer from now on, couldn't feel my hands when we got back in the car! We had fun though.
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